The ReMaking of Man

Excerpt of The ReMaking of Man, 2038

The key, some say crowning, development in the quest to fully harness our biological brain occurred with Augmented Consciousness Access and Visualization (ACAV). The protocol is still found in solution-stacks of brain-machine interfaces.

ACAV was birthed by the United States military’s DARPA in the Late American period. As with U.S. military research successes including atomic weapons, the internet, GPS, smart weapons, stealth, and prosthetic limbs for wounded soldiers (discussed in the next chapter), ACAV also trickled-down to civilian use in ways unforeseen by the Pentagon.

The tools forged to make pilots and special operators more effective in their warfighting duties became the foundational technology for the largest leap in consciousness since language. The basic ACAV protocol runs on “bare metal” cyber-infrastructure, creating a dynamically-defined network. On top of this can be installed a Hyper-cortical Control Panel (HCP), versions of which are used to rewire networks throughout our brain and modify the behaviors by which we satisfy our fundamental needs.